Showing posts with label doctor who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor who. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Part #1: Questions and Pick Up Lines

Check out Part 2!
Let's do questions first.
Who is your current crush? Who was your first crush?
I like the orange soda, too. I don't have a Crush soda though. Just some apple cider. I wonder why the makers of Candy Crush haven't sued them yet?

Crushes make us young. I am frankly attracted to someone at the moment. She has blondish, brownish, long hair-ish. From College Plus? No names, lest I embarrass her. Cause she probably doesn't have a clue that I do. Maybe. ;)

I kept this answer intentionally vague. :P

My first crush's name was Millicent Rose in kindergarten. She's also the first girl I've taken a picture with. I have no idea where the picture is.

Why am I single?
There are countless alternate universes where you are NOT single. So have consolation in the fact that one of you in another alternate universe has a perfect girlfriend that loves you and cherishes you and marries you, happily ever after.

Unfortunately, travel between universes are not allowable by our current technology and/or laws of physics.

Why do we love?
We love because God has first loved us. And also, chocolate. Also, chemical interactions in our brains. Also, peer pressure. Also, the butterflies in our stomach and meeting someone's eyes. And knowing you will never going to be with that person.

Favorite love song(s)?
Right now, "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, but also "My Girl" by the Temptations, and "Fur Elise" by Bach. Also, I call them sentimental songs, not love songs. Oh, and "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know"! :D

Courting or dating?
I subscribe to this thing called "courtation". Okay, I'm kidding. I will have my thesis on it post as separate, so check that out. I kinda define that dating is before engagement, and courting is after engagement.

Qualities in girls you like?
I only like girls who are virtuous, godly, good, beautiful, and single. Oh, and she must have cookies for me.

Who is my favorite historical couple?
I ship Adam and Eve, Valentine and Asterius' daughter, Doctor and River Song, Jesus Christ and His Bride (though technically a future thing). Bonnie and Clyde; and Marie and Pierre Curie did not make the list, unfortunately.

My favorite is probably Prince Albert and Queen Victoria of England. They are a model every family, royal or otherwise, should aspire to.

How did the heart morph from a fist-shaped organ to the cute little shape we see everywhere today?
The first instances of the use of the so-called geometric heart shape was during the Middle Ages in the use of decoration (Think of the decorated medieval books and Bibles with pictures). But it was not identified as a heart and a symbol of love until around the 13th century, where it was depicted as a pine cone shape in the hands of a knight giving it to his damsel in distress. It appears in various paintings from then on. The current form was finalized around the 14th or so century, and the hearts on playing card games came around the 15th.

In my opinion, the heart-shape is actually more accurate, but exaggerated, than it is given credit for. A normal heart has four chambers, and a somewhat pointed bottom. Also, Cupid cannot hit anyone with his heart arrows without the point. So it does have a practical purpose.

But yes, it went from a fist, to a pine cone, to a the pointed cardiod shape today.Neat, huh?

Which is better to give your Valentine, roses or chocolates?
Chocolate roses. Sprinkled with bacon. A whole bouquet. I don't care if you have money to afford this, steal, plunder, beg, save, invest, so you can have enough. Always, always go over the top on Valentine's Day for your love. Your Valentine will always have a fond memory of you. I promise.

Now for some pickup lines!
Christian pickups:
I've been reading the book of Numbers, and I realized I don't have yours.
Are you my babe in Christ?
Hi, my name is Will. God's Will.
Is your name Grace? Cause you are amazing.
Can I have your name and number for my prayer list?
Is that a mirror in your Bible? Cause you are reflecting the image of Christ.
Is it a sin to steal my heart?
Before this night, I never believed in predestination.
Is this pew taken?
I've picked out our chaperones.
You're a Proverbs 31 kind of woman.
Is your name Faith? Because you are the substance of things hoped for!

Doctor Who pickups:
Will you be my companion?
My heart for you is bigger on the inside.
Babe, you make both of my hearts skip a beat.
We have all of time and space to get acquainted.
Come along, Pond!
You're my fixed point in time.
You must be a weeping angel, because I can't take my eyes off you.

Bonus pickups:
Hey, do you have my hairbrush? Because you are a real peach. (Veggie Tales)

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any eye rolling, face slapping, indiscriminate laughter, cold shoulders, heart breaking or otherwise from the use of the above pickup lines. Use them at your own peril. I will, however, take credit for any engagements and marriages resulting from such use. And invite me to the wedding. Please. Or even have me officiate the wedding! :D

Thanks to Rikki Meek, Hannah Musick, Joshua Loomis, Drew Sproule, Skip Graham, Faith Burnside, Sarah Iddings, Garret Johnson, and everyone else who submitted a line or question or suggestion, or I did otherwise steal from you.

Check out Part 2!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why I Am Obsessed With Doctor Who: Parallels

People always ask me why I am obsessed with the phenomenon known as "Doctor Who".

They see my Matt Smith-esque bow tie and my sonic screwdriver. Well, one of three of them. Not including the sonic screwdriver app on my iPod. Which is in a TARDIS case. With a Police Box Lock Screen and TARDIS console Home Screen.

My Facebook and Instagram is littered with #DoctorWho posts. I make snide comments about "timey wimey" or other Doctor Who references in normal conversation, to the chagrin of others. I cried and squealed like a girl in watching the 50th anniversary special Day of the Doctor. I even cosplayed all the 13 main Doctors (including John Hurt) plus an alternate incarnations of the Doctor (the Valeyard )! I even started translating the KJV Holy Bible into Circular Gallifreyan.

I am obsessed. Why in the world(s)?

While some Whovians would say the Doctor's pacifism and cleverness, the emotional character stories, etc. got them, my obsession is a bit more personal. You need to know my personal history and interests pre-Who.

Before Doctor Who, I diagnosed myself with DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder), or more commonly known as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). I have counted about 12 alters in my fragmented personality, My MBTI personality testing usually comes up as INTJ (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging), the personality type of applicable theorists and mastermind manipulators. I have been a sprinter throughout my high school, always running. My favorite colors have always been blue, white, and black.

Time travel and steam punk fascinated me to no end. I have written many a time travel theory and related subjects, even on this blog. I love British mannerisms and classics and gentleman dapper stylings and tea and accents. While I loved science fiction, Star Wars and other main staples did not have a great hold of my fleeting interests.

Early high school, I dressed in a leather coat as my vanity item. As high school progressed, I started wearing a small trench coat and suits. As I started college, I took to liking bow ties and top hats, instead of normal ties. I became the Prime Minister of a student leadership society.

Do you see why now? If you are a Whovian, you should have spotted the eerie similarities.

I only have gotten into Doctor Who last year (2013). Everything I mentioned above happened before 2013. I discovered that Doctor Who existed around 2011, but have not watched it until around late February of last year.

If you aren't a Whovian and do not get the similarity references, here there are:
1. The Doctor is only one man, but every time he is greatly injured or dying, he regenerates into a completely new Doctor, with new personality and look, and he has done so about 12 times. He also retains some personalities within his head, and also he meets his other selves while time traveling. But he's always the same Doctor.

In the same vein, with my disorder, I have 12 personalities (verified by a drawing I drew around 8th grade of my selves). Every time my heart breaks due to a very distressing emotional experience, an alter is created. I think it's my coping mechanism, but when that happens, my habits, mannerisms, and clothing changes to such a degree a new alter is born.

2. An MBTI chart show that most incarnations of the Doctor are of an INTJ type. The Doctor is known to be pulling strings and thinking of ways to cleverly outsmart his situation and opponents. My thinking process is more and less the same. Some of my personalities do show other variations of the MBTI.

3. A theme of the Doctor is running. I've always been running everywhere ever since middle school and throughout high school. So much so that people make snide comments about me doing so. But I can't help myself.

4. The TARDIS Police Box colors are blue, white, and black. My favorite colors before ever liking Doctor Who.

5. Time travel is central to Doctor Who if you haven't noticed yet. Steampunk and Victorian elements are present in Doctor Who. My favorite Doctor is the 8th, by the way, who has the best Victorian steampunk styled TARDIS interior. Earlier entries in my blog show my fascination with fringe science, techpunk, dimensions, alternate history, and time travel; all before I was ever obsessed.

6. Doctor Who is a British show, and has British things. I always have loved British stuff. The English I learned was British English, not American, growing up in the Philippines, before moving Stateside.

7. Doctor Who is science fiction. And I think it's the best so far.

8. The Ninth Doctor wore a leather coat. The Tenth wore trenchcoat and suits. The Eleventh wore bow ties and a top hat. Very creepily similar to my clothing changes and progression.

9. The title of Prime Minister holds more relation to the Doctor's archenemy the Master, not the Doctor himself. But it is a British thing. Also, back in 9th grade, I played the Prime Minister in Never Come Monday, a timey-wimey story about Monday never coming, meaning it was always Sunday.

So, in conclusion, Doctor Who fits my personality and history so much. I do not know why I have never found it before. It fits me perfectly. It parallels my life. And that's why I'm obsessed with Doctor Who.

Happy Anniversary to my obsession.

I discovered that Doctor Who existed around 2011, but did not watch a single episode. I started watching Doctor Who around January/February 2013, but I did not grasp what the show was about and lost interest. It was rekindled when a friend of mine came to my house and we watched a couple more episodes, and I was hooked.

My middle school years were around 2005 to 2006. My junior high years were around 2007 to 2008. My high school years ranges from 2009 to 2012. The new Doctor Who started in 2005. My grade numbers and years coincided (2005 = 5th grade, 2006 = 6th grade, etc.) Everything I mentioned above unless otherwise noted happened before 2012.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Five Pragmatic Economic Reforms Every Millennial Should Be Fighting For

Economic recession blows. Poverty blows. Yeah. Something like that. We will also all magically fix the economy with five liberal points, or five conservative points, five personal points, or the five Calvinistic TULIP points.

But here are my own recommendations:
1. Build a Death Star.
Why not a USS Enterprise or a TARDIS? Well, for the USS, I'm not a Star Trek fan, sorry. And it seems to me just another glorified spacestation ship thingy. For TARDISes, it's more believable that the UK would build one, not the USA ('Murica!), also, I only advocate its use for individuals such as myself and myself only, not the government.
Think about it: Americans with the ability to rewrite history? You've seen their movies.. 
~Kate Stewart, UNIT chief scientific adviser  

Anyways, back to economic stuff. Here are the reasons:
By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense.
There was a petition that gained much more support than Obamacare. Unfortunately, the White House declined to fund a Death Star. Pity. It blows (up planets), you know?

2. Tax other countries' citizens.
Since we are number numero uno country in the world, this makes perfect sense. Take from the rich, give to the poor, but make it rich countries, not poor countries. I think this is called "tribute" back in the olden, ancient empire conquering days. The world does not deserve the American world police protection! I mean, have you seen how the world venerates Obama? They'd be practically throwing us money.

3. Replace the dollar with the Bitcoin or other alternative alternative electronic crypto-currencies.
The dollar is worthless as paper and is only backed with full faith of the government. Which, if you believe bureaucracy, is also made up of the cellulose stuff called paper. Paper is easily burnt and is biodegradable. Paper money has been trying to go transpaperistic and has emerged into something that looks like a cyber-plastic card. Then paper money shall shed its material consistency and ascend into the pure digital prison realm of the Matrix, becoming purely electronic money! It doesn't even have to be Bitcoin.

4. Reduce all and each law to 1000 words or less (additionally, each following sentence must be relevant to the thesis statement and backed by historical precedent).
This will greatly deregulate everything by principle, much faster than any libertarian reform, apart from the next point. The more laws we have, the less justice. I quoted that from a smart, dead person that I do not seem to remember his name. Oh well. But think about it, the federal law register is approaching 60,000 pages. In applying this law, we can reduce the page count to merely 600, to save on paper and secretary bills. It also has the side effect of reducing pork by principle and keeping each law to a point, making lawyers almost unnecessary. This will also create a demand for English grammar teachers, thus boosting education and therefore the economy.

5. Usher a real Third Great Awakening.
In the days before the Revolutionary War, two events ushered the rule of Natural Law and the Protestant Work Ethic and thus capitalistic prosperity in the American colonies, the revivals of the Great Awakenings. Finding freedom both religiously, economically, and politically, upheld with a strong moral atmosphere, it was instrumental in birthing this great nation! Tax was non-existent, and the White House was staffed by just a handful of people. There were no welfare or corporations, but the most level equal opportunity there is available. And the people fought off the economic tyranny of the British tea taxing overlords like a Tea Partier. Hurrah! This also takes care of the personal reform part.

2 Corinthians 3:17
17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Year in Review: 2013

January: Elected Vice President of CP Churchill

February: Discovered Doctor Who (well, rediscovered)

March: Spring Celtic Ball

April: Midwest Homeschool Convention, Creation Museum College Plus Gathering; Will You Be the One Youth Conference

May: Blimey Cow Skype Call hosted by the Valiant Defender's Party

June: Bought my iPod

July: Blimey Cow Photo-A-Day; Samx as Doctor Who Challenge; Ohio State Fair

August: Twelfth Doctor Revealed!

September: VDP High Command

October: Random CP Gathering

November: The Day of the Doctor Gallifreyan Plus CP Gathering

December: College Plus The Gathering Texas

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor Review(?)

No spoilers here. I did cry.

Watched the pre-show on BBC America livestream. There was a dancing show on BBC One, where a judge commented that a dancer moved like a Dalek.

Lots of references to everywhere. A nod to the classic in the very first scene.

All the Doctors are present, even the classic ones. Well, in a way they all are. You'll just have to watch it to see how.

A classic Doctor shows up in persona, but not in the way most people know. No, it's not Paul McGann (though Paul does show up in the Night of the Doctor).

David Tennant's Doctor is not the alternate universe clone.

Steven Moffat has brilliantly used time travel to tell the story. Alternate timelines may be giving away too much.

Rose comes in her Bad Wolf form (this is not a spoiler since it was already confirmed), and only in her Bad Wolf form. She does not come as the peppy Rose we all know.

No other companions show up, sadly. Many are referenced, though.

As a story, it kinda stands on its own. It's not just hyped-up fanfare, there's an actual story! A story of loss and gain and hope and good stuffs. Also, there is an explanation of how the Zygons are tied in.

The episode is a seismic change in the direction of the show. But not a darker one, as some hoped it would. At least to me, it's not dark at all! It's about hope!

So, I can't wait to see it in 3D with my friends on Monday! :D Can't wait for the Christmas special as well.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Revealed

Today at 7PM GMT(2PM EDT here), Peter Capaldi was announced to be the 12th incarnation of the Doctor.

Peter Capaldi has played Caecillius in Fires of Pompeii, and Frobisher in Torchwood: Children of Earth. He will fill the shoes of eleven actors before him. Glad to be part of the historic livestreaming event, compared to electing a Prime Minister!

Congratulations! The Doctor Who audience are in an uproar of mixed emotion. I for one have no great emotional response. I really liked Matt Smith, but I see the Doctor as one person, not 12-14 different people.

Enjoy this random video that doesn't represent my views, but does provide a perspective:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

iTARDIS: Converting the iPod Touch into a Police Box

Ever dream of creating the ultimate Doctor Who themed iDevice? Well, apart from creating a TARDIS iPod from scratch, this is what you can do.

1. Download a TARDIS police box wallpaper and TARDIS console wallpaper into your iDevice. Google Images will suffice. The Dropbox app is particularly helpful for taking images from your computer to your iPod, and that is how I downloaded it.

Alternatively, you can search for the images, hold down your finger and "Save Image" will pop up. Check out how to save images from Safari here.

2. Go to the Camera app. Go to the Gallery of Photos. Set the TARDIS police box wallpaper as the Lock Screen of your iPod.

3. Set the TARDIS console wallpaper  as the Home Screen of your iPod.

Voila, a smartphone that is bigger on the inside! Well, smartphones are already bigger on the inside, as one of my friends pointed out.

1. Get a TARDIS iPod case. The ones they sell at the Doctor Who Experience museum are the best. However, it's only sold on that location, so I settled for a TARDIS Squigglecase.
 Amazon: TARDIS iPod case
2. Fill up your iPod with Doctor Who apps. There is a Doctor Who puzzle mobile game thingy, a Dalek synthesizer voice app, a third-party sonic screwdriver app... now if only I could find a proper time travel app, I shall be happy.

 There is now an official Sonic Screwdriver app, Virtual TARDIS app, and the Doctor Who: Legacy game!

Images used:

All rights reserved to their respective owners!

Update: Here are some more TARDIS consoles!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fanfiction: Jack And The Magic Bean

Read Jack And The Magic Bean by Karthey M

This fanfiction story about a Doctor Who/Stargate crossover is short but sweet. Composed of six chapters, it details the meeting of Jack O'Neill and the Doctor in what looks like to be a planet with original alien lifeforms, the Arnak.

Apparently, the Doctor is a Tollan ambassador, or rather, Earth's ambassador to the Tollans. I do think the latter is the case, but if the its the former it would be unclear what the relation of the Tollans, a Stargate civilization, is to Gallifrey, the planet where the Doctor hails. If parallels can be made, the Gallifreyan civlization is very similar to the Tollan civilization. One, they are both ancient and possess more advanced technology than the other races. Two, they both are isolationist, enigmatic, and arrogant. I'd imagine though that the Ancients have more in common with the Gallifreyan Time Lords.

The relationship of the Doctor to the American SG-1 is also a bit unclear, knowing that the Doctor also worked for the global UNIT in various circumstances, but enough about the ambiguities.

The author (whom I've known for quite some time and she can be a bit stubborn ;) presents the Doctor's eccentricities rather efficiently and accurately. I would think however that his conversational-style that he uses on the story does not always match up to Matt Smith's acting on the TV show. To be fair, the author manages to capture the fast-paced tone of the conversations.

The Doctor's companions, the Ponds, could've used a bit more character development. They hardly interact with the other characters, and somewhat seems to be there simply to explain what the Doctor is all about to the SG-1 team and to ask questions about Stargatey stuff in return.

I do think Stargate was more presented better than the Doctor Who part. The mannerisms of the Stargate characters were what I expect from the TV show.

The alien lifeforms, Arnak, are described as humanoid giants. Knowing both shows' obsessions of seeding humans around the galaxies with genetic anomaly, it shouldn't be a surprised. The threat of the Arnak dominating Earth and enslaving is not as compelling as I'd like. My sense of belief was shattered when a giant goose is introduced in the story. I know it was supposed to be like the story, and Doctor Who usually has a ridiculous animal aliens sometimes, but it just didn't fit, I think.

The story is supposed to be the origin of Jack and the Magic Bean legend on Earth. The best I can summarize the story without spoiling it for you ("Spoilers!"). Anyways, it was a fun read, but with a bit of tweaking and research, it would be a bit more enthralling. But excellent job, Karthey! :D