Showing posts with label time travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time travel. Show all posts

Monday, November 3, 2014

Short Story: Flattime

This, in essence, is supposed to allude to Flatland, except in explaining the many dimensions of time. This time elements in the story was inspired by a Facebook discussion, but the whole of it is a true story. The reference to the girls and a conference in the story was what prompted me to my fascination of time travel, and actually happened seven years ago. It is implied that the author believes them to be time travelers for some odd reason or another.
And I seriously did believe they were.

I can make things go backwards.

The steam from my coffee this morning coalesced back to its liquid.

That isn't supposed to happen. Steam goes up and scatters like all gases, not collect back to its source. Or at least gases that are not heavier than the earth's atmosphere.

I shake my head. It is rising out, not coalescing. Am I dreaming?

No, it isn't a dream. I pinch myself. My mind probably just wanted to rewind it. Maybe it's those memory supplements I've been taking? Is this almost video-like feedback the side effect?


Huh, not really appear and disappear, it's more like rewinding time and remaining conscious. Interesting. Oh, my imaginations!

I saw three of them look at me interestingly. Three girls. They looked at me quizically. They looked eerily familiar and not familiar.

Even though they did not look out of place in this conference, they were striking. To me, at least.

Not attraction, no. A little bit of it, yes. Deja vu, perhaps? Probably rather my self-consciousness.

The feeling disturbed me enough to get out of my seat and go elsewhere.

The future is a the gravity of time.

You know how that if you jump, you fall back down? Gravity pulls us down to the Earth's core, unless impeded.

Time travel is like that. Even if you go backwards in time, once you arrive, time will automatically go forward.

Like gravity, the future affects those with more mass. We know at the speed of light, photons practically have no mass, and time is still for the photon.

So even though you can rewind to an extent, you will eventually have to go forward again.

The question is though, how do you jump?

Oh, everyone can rewind time and traverse through it. But only a few can remember, and even fewer, less than a handful, are conscious of doing so. Our memories, too, are held by time.

For example, if you rewound time for yourself, would you remember the future? Of course not, those memory of the future never existed, because they didn't happen for you to remember yet. Make sense?

Though, rarely, the imprint of energy is strong enough that they leave traces.

You know, dreams of days past? Of days never materializing? That is the trace of semi-conscious time travel. Most time travel is unconscious. Or rather, instantly forgotten as it rewinds.

After a couple hours wandering the conference, I chanced upon those three girls again. One of them asked me something. I think it was the blondish one.

I shrugged it off. I  muttered something about going to my friends. I don't know why I was feeling this way toward them. They're just girls. Of course, I have to impress them a little.

Yet, time, as we experience it is only a ray, not even a line. The ray points to the direction of the gravity. It is still only one dimensional, even if we go backwards.

But time also has more than one dimension, as space as three.

Some call it alternate universes. The branching universe theory. The reality, actually, is not made up of branches, but a width. If time is a line with length, it's width are the alternate choices we could have made at every given moment.

We too could traverse the width. Every choice we make, we could make. And we remember. And we see what could have been. Will I sip my coffee? Will I not? Will I have tea instead? That is the width of time in the moment.

You could see your reflection in this house of mirrors of yourself, making different choices. The farther you look at the horizon of time, the more radical and improbable your choice were. Width can be measured!

However, interestingly, the gravity of time affects our choices, and our choices in turn affect it. While we can ponder the choices we could have made, we are still dragged along the same ray, never completely getting out of the stream. Our free will is intact; not that we could change it, but it is we that made the change. We don't make all possible choices at the same time.

The rest of the day was inconsequential.

I left the conference a bit mellow. We boarded on a bus back to our school. I don't think I will see those girls ever again. Who are they? Why do they look so familiar?

What is the height of time, then? What is the third dimension of the temporality? Are we on a sort-of timesphere as humans are on a sphere called Earth in space?

Total alternate universes with different preconditions. A radically different time plane.

While the universe in the second dimension of time, more or less, have the same preconditions, the third does not.

This is the plane of stories. Universes with varying creation myths, alternate histories, revisionist histories, future histories of those histories, and whatnot. They all exist in the planes apart from this objective reality plane.
So if the future is the gravity of time, and if time is a sphere like Earth is in space, what is the core of this sphere? The end of time?

So if the drive to the future is the gravity of time, and time is like a sphere as Earth is a sphere in space, then what is the core of this timesphere? The end of time?


God. Eternity.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Short Story: When Foolish Words Are, For The Sake of A Friend

Probably my first foray into "heavy" science fiction storytelling.

When Foolish Words Are, For The Sake of A Friend
by Samuel Garcia

In the bubbles which are not bubbles between the universes (universi?), the foam of the Void, the multiform of dimensions, which are, in a way, mini universes (universi definitely sounds cooler) themselves, a stray bubble which was not a bubble touched upon another bubble, and that both bubbles went POP!

Except that it was not POP, it was more like both universes crunched and entropied and shifted to a zero energy state, BUT THERE WAS NO POPPING SOUND, FOR THERE ARE NO SOUNDS IN SPACE WITHIN THE UNIVERSE, AT LEAST MOST OF THEM, in accordance to each of their laws of physics. Howbeit, the point is, both were annihilated, because each of their personal bubbles intruded upon the privacy of each other.

I kid, for what was beside the point is actually important. If you recall, the sword does not cut always with its point, but its blade. Their annihilation were in accordance to the laws of physics of the universi (multiverse? Or is that too technical?). This led to a variety of doomsday apocalypses.

The most common laws of Universi Annihilation included that in the common tongue, a Universal Big Crunch, in which all stars, asteroids, planets, cheese, your grandma's mailbox, and multitudes of alien civilizations and their colonies and hermits outside of those, crunched into a single point of singularity. And not the cybertechnical singularity, but the event horizon one. I think. A cousin to this Universal Death is the Universal Big Quack, in which the universe is squashed, not into a singularity, but a singular all-encompassing duck. When it quacks, it croaks.

Alternatively, if the variables and constants were correct, instead the Universal Heat Death would happen, in which all stars, asteroids, planets, cheese (melted by entropy), your parallel universe grandma's mailbox, and multitudes of alien civilizations and their colonies and hermits outside of those, lose all heat and energy and atomic movement and probably subatomic and Planck motion as well, plunging everything to absolute zero and even colder.

Even less common was the Universal Death through Integalactical Bureaucratical and Brutal Tax Auditry, in which the laws of physics of that universe send it to its graveyard by a rapid exponential growth of desk jobs and paper work and deterministic desk workers that encompass the universe. Any conceivable and inconceivable and aconceivable subatomic movement and photonic energy and any quantum fluctuations are heavily regulated, taxed, accounted, interviewed, mortgaged, sent for coffee, shredded, made redundant copies, passed on to the next call representative, and legislated. This slows down the universe afflicted with this death to near zero time relativity, in which the speed of light is simply, practically zero miles per hour. If light decides to speed, then whoa, whoa, whoa, it will get ticketed. The call tree of this universe is in the degree of septillions, so much so that the music of the spheres literally is call music that you hear when you are rerouted to India. When that bubble finally bursts, it is seen by the relatively smaller void dwellers (and yet the void does not have nor recognize the concept of size!) as a shower of paper trail confetti.

Yet an even rarer Universal Death is through Universal Death through Hologram Spam. Think of a universe where your spam came to life as holographic characters, no, persons and races. There would be phishing spam, insurance spam, random spam, chain letter spam, creepypasta spam, canned spam, all represented as ghostly embodiments, rightly called hologram spam. Schroedinger's Cat is viral Nyan of the lengths of stochachistic numerals of rainbow super strings. This is fine and dandy, but when trillions of spam are spawned,there are only so many cans to go around, and the universe that fills up with the spam afterlife disintegrates like an email going to the Trash Folder. Luckily, most universes have spam filters and firewalls.

I've gotten carried away, haven't I? Well, it just brings me to a universe, that is probably not our own, or rather quadrillions of centuries in to the future, or some other distant conjecture through time and space and inbetween and nowhere and nowhen. In this universe, the apocalypse was of the constant, eternal invasion of shadow hyperspace entities that are closest shaped to puppies. Except they were beings of pure vacuum darkness. Not an evil darkness, but simply darkness that drains the light into its bowels. Instead of a common Big Crunch however, the pups of annihilation invade the edges of this universe, expanding space at dangerous planar lengths that are equal to imaginary radical numbers and letters of the alphabet. In doing so,

In the awareness of this Pupocalypse, the Spanning Imperial Omnidemocradoms of the Constellation Stovansglow, residing in the edge of the universe, almost to  thesoapy  surface of said bubble not bubble, grew restless.

You see, in the Omnidemocradoms, which only was truly a democradom by false pretense, and not by any solid or relevant nature, like the misnaming People's Republics of the communists of here yonder universe, had the High Imperial and Only Ever Powerful Servant of the Omnidemocradom and its Rightful Heir of its Manifest Destiny Beyond the Constellations and Even Beyond That declared an infinite eulogy to be sung in his name. The civilizations of this universe prized eulogies, for the longer the eulogy, the more immortal one is, a goal in many universes. So there was this hope of immortalizing the narcisstic ruler in the end of time (and space).

A call was heard throughout the stars, and the stars covered their ears as the bellowing signal rang for the best singers, poets, drama artists, pantomimes, radio announcers, and even beeping melodious doorbells and electronic card musical silicon chips. The logic is, that the sound would attract the narcissm of the ones who ply the trade of performance so that they can correct it. Thus many planets lost their Grand Poet Laureate, and galaxies their great Oratorious Maximus. Even the long dead alternate universe counterpart of Shakespeare and Lincoln was raised from the dead, and those who were time traveling and had a lick of singing ability was plucked out of the 4 dimensional time vortices by the bellowing signal.

And thus the High Imperial and Only Ever.... oh, you know who it is was pleased to see the best of the best performers eulogize his deeds and misdeeds (and mostly because the horrible signal was psychostatic in their brains, meaning that they have to sing and sing and sing to block it out of their minds). Verses rang out in the auditorium that is the space between the stars.

Oh, Mighty Servant of the Cosmos.
Ruling guiding hands we all feed on.
You invented the coffee thermos!
He who bites you be cast to the sun!

Each atom is pleased by your humility,
The quarks, and Higgs boson, too.
You make Stovansglow tranquility.
With your aid the cows go moo.

Though the darkness bark,
You will make your mark,

The Andrimedia, woman of the seven nebulae, who sang to swirl the plasmic gases in a harmony, beautiful in face, heart, spirit, and song, was taken from her place, to the sadness of her prince and her people.

Resist, my love, the bellowing!

But she could not, for the treble the universe was in was disharmonious. The seven nebulae held what basically was a funeral procession for their Lady.

Even the best of the best could not hold entropy at bay, the traitorous pups of of annihilating doom. They babbled and grumbled and foamed and fell, for they were tired, and the High Imperial you-know-what didn't really have that much to be proud about, even made up redenkulous ones. (In that universe, that is how ridiculous is spelled, don't ask how this universe English can be translated otherwise)

Even the Andrimedia was muted, vocal chords strained. She lost her identity in a song, not of her own praise, but to one who did not deserve so. And she ebbed away and faded into vibration... she dissolved into a song! A pretentious song indeed!

Off with their heads! the ruler cried. Find me more performers! I shall live beyond the death of the universe! A lone pup started barking.
Oh, but what is this?

A hunched, hooded figure stopped the people's fuming autocrat. With a raspy voice, he cried, Sir, o sire, do not cut off their heads, for it is their heads that sing. If they cannot sing, they cannot turn the canine tide and make thee live beyond the inevitable death.

Go on, the skeptical Servant of the Constellation raised after declaring a proxy war against the canes of his empire. Apparently, the canes were conspiring to make old people fall in nursing homes by failing their structural integrity, thus making the grown children amass huge lawsuits against the ones responsible for making the canes, that is, the cane megafactories, and thus collapsing the Imperial Omnidemocradom's economy. A whole department of spies, called the Cane Intelligence Agency, sprung up from the declaration (that is, they literally grew and stepped out of the paper of the declaration of war the Servant just signed), and arrested all canes within the palace premises about, and three star systems away. Never mind that when they did the arrests, the old people who were holding on their canes fell and broke their bones. Thus the canespiracy theorists point that out this very day.

My solution, sire, is that I will build thee a great singing machine in the model of thyself, for who other than thou, knowest what you have done of all infinity? Then that yonder statue machine likeness will be set in the point of relativity where the center of this universe is, for then all the universe shall hear of thy greatness, and the Cerebus dogs of the hades would stop in their tracks and flee to nether regions unknowable.

The High Imperial Servant stroked his chin, and muttered, yes, yes, splendid idea! Thus his highness commissioned that nothing shall be withdrawn from the hunched-back man's requests, and gave his word.

O Ruling Servant, I beg of thee only a few things, that all the canes you have arrested become part of my workforce to build said statue, and all those that are performing here shall lend their vocalistic trembelutions and throaty sonic shrills and poeticrastic cerebellums.

Go! Go! Said the proud ruler. May his immortality ring throughout the bubble bath multiverse.

The hooded man went away as mysteriously as he came, like a singular quantum fluctuation in the sea of chaotic random-pseudorandom generation. Except that there were a flotilla of battleships and transports and space galleys full of canes and performing artists traversing to the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!

The CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE was boring, only filled with boolean alien civilization hive mind who held its consciousness in a neural net of celestial bodies like neurons, who were decimated quickly with death rays to make room for the statue.

What is it to me, an annihilation of a civilization, a species, the greatest supercomputer of all, for the memory of myself woven in the fabric of infinity and beyond!

In another universe, a certain toy spaceman felt a disturbance in the force.

In what seemed to be no time at all, but in reality, a very 7ZIP compressed recursive time/chrono loop with a terminating program, a colossal statue of (fool) gold, (glass) diamond, and other (fake) precious stone of the Servant was erected by the cane workforce. The cane workforce feudalized, democratized, unionized, communistized, splintered, outsourced, WAHed*, and globalized within the compressed centuries time loop.

In a separate subroutine within the time loop, a great tubular musical instrument was being assembled. The statue's mechanical arms were to play the flute to memorialize him!

So it was done after the program terminated and set into a self-sustaining orbit.

The end was nigh. The dogs were nibbling the edges and cutting swaths with their paws!

With no time to lose, the hooded figure invited the Ruling Servant inside the instrument. It was explained that all the performers voices and speeches and playing were in record here and perfectly amplified. All the Servant had to do was to enter this chamber, complete with a throne magnificent, think happy thoughts about himself, and the telepathic circuits would translate it into a universe shaking song.

Happily, the Servant sat himself down. The figure left the throne room, along with a parade of canes in ships to bunker down.

But it was all pretense, for you see, it was not an amplification chamber for a song. But for something else.

Neither was it exactly a musical instrument.

The time loop inside the instrument was restarted as the High Imperial Servant whistled, trapping him.

And the puppies of the universal darkness heard the eternal canine whistle, and rushed back to the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Colliding and barking and colluding and scratching and chasing tails, their gravitational spin increased.

It became what is known today as the Dog Star. And the orbiting statue with the trapped Servant keeps the Pup-ocalypse contained to this very day.

For you, Andrimedia, and our people, and the universe.

Thus the mysterious hooded figure raised his mysterious figure hood, and revealed the prince of the seven nebulae underneath with eyes of sadness.

And the high pitched whistles in the air and space had a tinge of melancholy, when foolish are words of the proud, but vengeance will come for the sake of a friend.

(The prince resurrects Andrimedia and they marry in the far, far future, using a string, a epigenetic recreation machine, timeline disperser, sound bounce container, and some cheese, but that is yet another, entirely different story)

*WAHed is the process in which outside work is completely turned into a house activity. It is an abbreviated form of "Work-At-Home - ed"

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Short Story: Stepping Back from The Nail

Stepping Back From The Nail
by Samuel Garcia

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

The day I stepped on a nail was the worst day of my life.

We were playing in outside. Somehow, just somehow, it was protruding from the ground.

I screamed.
Then came an onslaught of infection, surgeries, amputation, atrophy, innumerable doctor and therapists, bedstays, quarantines... friends left, family died off...

I did what anyone would do after years and years of focused determination to overturn these events.


I built a time machine.


After a jump to the left, a step to the right, and madness after the warp, and almost falling a down, I dropped into our old family barn. I heard the children playing and laughing. Me.

I thought. And thought. I leaned onto my cane. The crutch of my existence.

I just stood there.

I glanced at the place where the nail was supposed to be. It was not there.

I grabbed a nail from the barn, hobbled while they were gone, and stuck it upwards in the soil. And warped away.

I stepped back from the jump and planted my cane to set myself.

While I do not walk the space of this universe, I walk time. That nail was my first step.

Time is fixed.


After a jump to the left, a step to the right, and madness after the warp, and almost falling a down, I dropped into our old family barn. I heard the children playing and laughing. Me.

I thought. And thought. I leaned onto my cane. The crutch of my existence.

I just stood there.

I glanced at the place where the nail was supposed to be. It taunted me with it's rusty shine.

I yanked it from the mud, hobbled while they were gone, and dropped in by the barn. And warped away.

I stepped back from the jump. No cane. My leg is back.

I will walk to right the wrongs of the past, present, future.

Time is plastic.


After a jump to the left, a step to the right, and madness after the warp, and almost falling a down, I dropped into our old family barn. I heard the children playing and laughing. Me.

I thought. And thought. I leaned onto my cane. The crutch of my existence.

I just stood there.

I glanced at the place where the nail was supposed to be. It taunted me with it's rusty shine.

I saw myself yank it from the mud, hobble while they were gone, and drop in by the barn. And warped away.

But if I saw myself here, is there more than one line of time?

I slide to each universe, looking for my equivalent selves, wishing their time and observing their sadness and happiness. That time when I stepped on and stepped back from the nail.

Time is parallel.


And on and on and on...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why I Am Obsessed With Doctor Who: Parallels

People always ask me why I am obsessed with the phenomenon known as "Doctor Who".

They see my Matt Smith-esque bow tie and my sonic screwdriver. Well, one of three of them. Not including the sonic screwdriver app on my iPod. Which is in a TARDIS case. With a Police Box Lock Screen and TARDIS console Home Screen.

My Facebook and Instagram is littered with #DoctorWho posts. I make snide comments about "timey wimey" or other Doctor Who references in normal conversation, to the chagrin of others. I cried and squealed like a girl in watching the 50th anniversary special Day of the Doctor. I even cosplayed all the 13 main Doctors (including John Hurt) plus an alternate incarnations of the Doctor (the Valeyard )! I even started translating the KJV Holy Bible into Circular Gallifreyan.

I am obsessed. Why in the world(s)?

While some Whovians would say the Doctor's pacifism and cleverness, the emotional character stories, etc. got them, my obsession is a bit more personal. You need to know my personal history and interests pre-Who.

Before Doctor Who, I diagnosed myself with DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder), or more commonly known as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). I have counted about 12 alters in my fragmented personality, My MBTI personality testing usually comes up as INTJ (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging), the personality type of applicable theorists and mastermind manipulators. I have been a sprinter throughout my high school, always running. My favorite colors have always been blue, white, and black.

Time travel and steam punk fascinated me to no end. I have written many a time travel theory and related subjects, even on this blog. I love British mannerisms and classics and gentleman dapper stylings and tea and accents. While I loved science fiction, Star Wars and other main staples did not have a great hold of my fleeting interests.

Early high school, I dressed in a leather coat as my vanity item. As high school progressed, I started wearing a small trench coat and suits. As I started college, I took to liking bow ties and top hats, instead of normal ties. I became the Prime Minister of a student leadership society.

Do you see why now? If you are a Whovian, you should have spotted the eerie similarities.

I only have gotten into Doctor Who last year (2013). Everything I mentioned above happened before 2013. I discovered that Doctor Who existed around 2011, but have not watched it until around late February of last year.

If you aren't a Whovian and do not get the similarity references, here there are:
1. The Doctor is only one man, but every time he is greatly injured or dying, he regenerates into a completely new Doctor, with new personality and look, and he has done so about 12 times. He also retains some personalities within his head, and also he meets his other selves while time traveling. But he's always the same Doctor.

In the same vein, with my disorder, I have 12 personalities (verified by a drawing I drew around 8th grade of my selves). Every time my heart breaks due to a very distressing emotional experience, an alter is created. I think it's my coping mechanism, but when that happens, my habits, mannerisms, and clothing changes to such a degree a new alter is born.

2. An MBTI chart show that most incarnations of the Doctor are of an INTJ type. The Doctor is known to be pulling strings and thinking of ways to cleverly outsmart his situation and opponents. My thinking process is more and less the same. Some of my personalities do show other variations of the MBTI.

3. A theme of the Doctor is running. I've always been running everywhere ever since middle school and throughout high school. So much so that people make snide comments about me doing so. But I can't help myself.

4. The TARDIS Police Box colors are blue, white, and black. My favorite colors before ever liking Doctor Who.

5. Time travel is central to Doctor Who if you haven't noticed yet. Steampunk and Victorian elements are present in Doctor Who. My favorite Doctor is the 8th, by the way, who has the best Victorian steampunk styled TARDIS interior. Earlier entries in my blog show my fascination with fringe science, techpunk, dimensions, alternate history, and time travel; all before I was ever obsessed.

6. Doctor Who is a British show, and has British things. I always have loved British stuff. The English I learned was British English, not American, growing up in the Philippines, before moving Stateside.

7. Doctor Who is science fiction. And I think it's the best so far.

8. The Ninth Doctor wore a leather coat. The Tenth wore trenchcoat and suits. The Eleventh wore bow ties and a top hat. Very creepily similar to my clothing changes and progression.

9. The title of Prime Minister holds more relation to the Doctor's archenemy the Master, not the Doctor himself. But it is a British thing. Also, back in 9th grade, I played the Prime Minister in Never Come Monday, a timey-wimey story about Monday never coming, meaning it was always Sunday.

So, in conclusion, Doctor Who fits my personality and history so much. I do not know why I have never found it before. It fits me perfectly. It parallels my life. And that's why I'm obsessed with Doctor Who.

Happy Anniversary to my obsession.

I discovered that Doctor Who existed around 2011, but did not watch a single episode. I started watching Doctor Who around January/February 2013, but I did not grasp what the show was about and lost interest. It was rekindled when a friend of mine came to my house and we watched a couple more episodes, and I was hooked.

My middle school years were around 2005 to 2006. My junior high years were around 2007 to 2008. My high school years ranges from 2009 to 2012. The new Doctor Who started in 2005. My grade numbers and years coincided (2005 = 5th grade, 2006 = 6th grade, etc.) Everything I mentioned above unless otherwise noted happened before 2012.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Revealed

Today at 7PM GMT(2PM EDT here), Peter Capaldi was announced to be the 12th incarnation of the Doctor.

Peter Capaldi has played Caecillius in Fires of Pompeii, and Frobisher in Torchwood: Children of Earth. He will fill the shoes of eleven actors before him. Glad to be part of the historic livestreaming event, compared to electing a Prime Minister!

Congratulations! The Doctor Who audience are in an uproar of mixed emotion. I for one have no great emotional response. I really liked Matt Smith, but I see the Doctor as one person, not 12-14 different people.

Enjoy this random video that doesn't represent my views, but does provide a perspective:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What is Module Failsafe?

What is Module Failsafe? 

The plan module was conceived in 2012 to deal with the inevitable coming time of disaster and chaos. It contains:
1. One diamond engagement ring.*
2. Hotline to every dads' phone number in the world.
3. Portable time travel machine, a TARDIS will do.
4. Many, many prayers to God. And fasting. Yes.

Note: No courage is included, however, once this is activated, it is assumed there is a time pressure that might translate to courage.

*A 500-1000$ value

Break Only In Case Of Emergency.

The time is coming. >.<

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

iTARDIS: Converting the iPod Touch into a Police Box

Ever dream of creating the ultimate Doctor Who themed iDevice? Well, apart from creating a TARDIS iPod from scratch, this is what you can do.

1. Download a TARDIS police box wallpaper and TARDIS console wallpaper into your iDevice. Google Images will suffice. The Dropbox app is particularly helpful for taking images from your computer to your iPod, and that is how I downloaded it.

Alternatively, you can search for the images, hold down your finger and "Save Image" will pop up. Check out how to save images from Safari here.

2. Go to the Camera app. Go to the Gallery of Photos. Set the TARDIS police box wallpaper as the Lock Screen of your iPod.

3. Set the TARDIS console wallpaper  as the Home Screen of your iPod.

Voila, a smartphone that is bigger on the inside! Well, smartphones are already bigger on the inside, as one of my friends pointed out.

1. Get a TARDIS iPod case. The ones they sell at the Doctor Who Experience museum are the best. However, it's only sold on that location, so I settled for a TARDIS Squigglecase.
 Amazon: TARDIS iPod case
2. Fill up your iPod with Doctor Who apps. There is a Doctor Who puzzle mobile game thingy, a Dalek synthesizer voice app, a third-party sonic screwdriver app... now if only I could find a proper time travel app, I shall be happy.

 There is now an official Sonic Screwdriver app, Virtual TARDIS app, and the Doctor Who: Legacy game!

Images used:

All rights reserved to their respective owners!

Update: Here are some more TARDIS consoles!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

AltHist & Movie: Confederate States of America

I was traveling in time and through parallel worlds, and I happen to chance on this documentary from an alternate universe. ;) The documentary from the British Broadcasting Service (the counterpart of our BBC in that world) is about the history of the Confederate States of America from its victory in the War of Northern Aggression.

I won't spoil it for you, but there is definitely some very racist elements in the movie that made me almost gag, so don't watch if you're easily offended. It would have seem that the Confederate society did not evolve much from its focus on slavery. The almost unrealistic Cold War with a certain north country (and it's not Russia) leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth. It's not a balanced documentary, because only the aspect of slavery in society is focused upon. The Confederate States as presented is as a very isolationist and almost totalitarian country. I would have thought as well that abolitionism would have a stronger resistance to the "slaveocracy". The Presidential family Fauntroy is too much of a focus in the film. The movie's mockery of Christian values, while understandably corrupted by the slavery question, also touches a nerve. 

All in all, the documentary made me think. Today, our rights are being assaulted by politicians. We aren't free anymore from government, as the slaves from the past weren't free from their masters. 

The video is the whole film, so tell me what you think below in the comments.