Heavenly Father of sequence and design,
I bid thee.
As Thou hast said in the days of Creation, and there it was brought forth into existence,
May what I code become.
As in the beginning the Word made flesh,
Let my programs take on digital structure.
May it bless the player,
May it teach Thy sovereignty in a interactive world of free will,
May the mechanics and controls flow,
May the music and sound and atmosphere be pleasing.
Let the imaginations we spark be of good report,
And the time our players entertain not detract from life but add to it.
I pray Thee that my graphical interfaces and aesthetics be as apples of silver in pictures of gold,
And that our syntax be words fitly spoken.
I praise Thee, O Almighty and Intelligent Designer, Creator of worlds! The universe is Thy game, forever and ever. Amen.